Make Access to Free Period Products a Law in Wales

In August 2022, a law came into force in Scotland making it a legal duty for local authorities, education providers and  specified public service bodies to provide free period products and make them easily available. This was a world first, with the aim of tackling period poverty, promote period dignity and break the stigma.

Whilst the Welsh Government is committed to tackling period poverty in Wales, and is investing money in expanding the provision of free period products as well as promoting greater use of environmentally friendly products, this isn’t a legal requirement. This leads to inconsistency in terms of access and the type of products available, depending on where people live in Wales.

We want to see a law introduced in Wales to secure this right, and safeguard free access for the future.

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  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in Survey 2022-11-10 12:21:37 +0000

This starts with you

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