Closure of Taff Vale Surgeries in Ynysybwl and Cilfynydd

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has announced the permanent closure of the Taff Vale surgery branches in Ynysybwl and Cilfynydd. This decision, made on the 25th of July, has been met with significant opposition from local residents and Plaid Cymru councillors Amanda Ellis, Paula Evans, and Hywel Gronow, as well as Regional Senedd Member Heledd Fychan.

Heledd Fychan, Plaid Cymru Senedd member for South Wales Central, commented on the decision:

 "This news will cause worry and disappointment to many local residents who already struggle to secure appointments, especially those who rely on public transport to attend appointments in other branches.”

“Having a GP in the community is vital for providing essential healthcare services and ensuring the well-being of residents. I will continue to work alongside our local councillors to ensure that everyone can access the healthcare services they need in a timely manner, and monitoring that the surgery does put in place the mitigations that were agreed such as increasing the number of home visits and improving parking at Dewi Sant Hospital.”

The closure is expected to have an impact on Taff Vale patients, and residentswith concerns or questions are encouraged to get in touch with their local representatives for support and information.


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  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in News 2024-07-30 15:04:23 +0100

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