Craig Yr Hesg Quarry

On the 16th of November 2022, a public meeting was held at Craig Yr Hesg Primary School following the decision by the Welsh Government to approve the expansion of the quarry. Residents from all areas affected attended, and it was agreed to re-invigorate the campaign to ensure concerns about the quarry were addressed and to work towards its closure.

The main concerns relate to the physical and mental health impacts of the quarry, the impact of continued quarrying on the local infrastructure of the town and the impact on biodiversity through the loss of green spaces and woodlands.


Next steps

A number of next steps were agreed:

  • Establish a Steering Group of local residents to coordinate the campaign
  • Circulate the Welsh Government judgement in favour of the expansion
  • Call for site specific guidance to be agreed and followed to ensure safe air quality
  • Make links with quarry campaigns and allies in other communities.
  • Write to the Minister for Climate Change challenging aspects of the judgement.
  • Organise Independent Monitoring & Collation of Data e.g. ecological surveys, air pollution monitors
  • Gather community level data and experiences of repairs to infrastructure such as walls, roads, gas pipes and geological activity
  • Open up discussions with Hanson about issues raised.


If you would like to get involved directly in the campaign and / or join the steering group, then please get in touch with me stating your name, contact details and what skills/ experiences you can offer, or outlining what role you think that you can play.

Daeth nifer fawr o bobl i gyfarfod cyhoeddus a gynhaliwyd yn Ysgol Gynradd Craig yr Hesg, Glyncoch ar yr 16eg o Dachwedd 2022 i drafod penderfynaid Llywodraeth Cymru i ganiatau estyniad y chwarel. Daeth pobl o bob ardal â effeithir, a chytunwyd i ail-danio'r ymgyrch i sicrhau bod pobl yn gwrando ar bryderon y gymuned a'n bod yn gweithio at gau'r chwarel.

Prif bryderon y bobl oedd effeithiau’r chwarel ar iechyd meddwl a chorfforol, effaith chwarela ar is-adeiledd lleol y dref a’r effaith ar fioamrywiaeth trwy golli mannau gwyrdd a choetiroedd.



Newyddion o'r Cyfarfod cyhoeddus

 Cytunwyd ar y camau nesaf canlynol:

  • Sefydlu grŵp llywio o drigolion lleol i gydlynu'r ymgyrch.
  • Dosbarthu dyfarniad Llywodraeth Cymru o blaid yr ehangu.
  • Galw am gytuno ar ganllawiau safle-benodol a'u dilyn er mwyn sicrhau ansawdd aer diogel
  • Creu cysylltiadau ag ymgyrchoedd chwarel a chynghreiriaid mewn cymunedau eraill.
  • Ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog dros Newid yn yr Hinsawdd yn herio agweddau ar y dyfarniad.
  • Trefnu Monitro a Choladu Data yn Annibynnol e.e. arolygon ecolegol, monitorau llygredd aer
  • Casglu data ar lefel gymunedol a phrofiadau o atgyweiriadau i isadeiledd fel waliau, ffyrdd, pibellau nwy a gweithgaredd daearegol
  • Agor trafodaethau gyda Hanson am y materion a godwyd.


Os hoffech fod yn rhan uniongyrchol o’r ymgyrch a / neu ymuno â’r grŵp llywio, yna cysylltwch â mi gyda’ch enw, eich manylion cyswllt a pha sgiliau/ profiadau y gallwch eu cynnig, neu amlinellwch pa rôl rydych yn credu y gallwch chwarae.

By completing this form you give permission for us to keep your information for the purpose of the Craig Yr Hesg campaign. / Wrth gwblhau y ffurflen hon rydych yn rhoi caniatâd i ni gadw eich gwybodaeth ddefnydd ymgyrch Craig Yr Hesg

Showing 10 reactions

  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:45:38 +0100
    Q: Please note any skills or knowledge you have that could be useful for the campaign / Nodwch unrhyw sgiliau neu wybodaeth sydd gennych fyddai yn ddefnyddiol i’r ymgyrch.
    A: N/a
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:45:22 +0100
    Q: I would like to join the Streeing Group for the Craig Yr Hesg campaign / Hoffwn ymuno a Grŵp Llywio ymgyrch Craig Yr Hesg
    A: No
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:45:14 +0100
    Q: I would like to be actively involved in the Craig Yr Hesg campaign? / Hoffwn fod yn weithgar yn ymgyrch Craig Yr Hesg?
    A: Yes
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:45:05 +0100
    Q: I would like to receive updates about the Craig Yr Hesg campaign/ Hoffwn dderbyn diweddariadau am ymgyrch Craig Yr Hesg
    A: Yes
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:44:58 +0100
    Q: Phone / Ffôn?
    A: 07817789919
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:44:48 +0100
    Q: Email / Ebost?
    A: [email protected]
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:44:28 +0100
    Q: Address / Cyfeiriad?
    A: 290 Garth Avenue
    CF37 3AF
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:44:06 +0100
    Q: Name / Enw
    A: Richard Hext
  • Richard Hext
    answered 2024-08-21 20:43:56 +0100
    Q: By completing this form you give permission for us to keep your information for the purpose of the Craig Yr Hesg campaign. / Wrth gwblhau y ffurflen hon rydych yn rhoi caniatâd i ni gadw eich gwybodaeth ddefnydd ymgyrch Craig Yr Hesg
    A: Yes
  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in campaigns 2022-12-08 17:38:59 +0000

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
