Committee Visit to north Wales

Last week, I visited north Wales with the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee.

We went to a variety of places, many of which I was familiar with from my previous job with Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales such as Ty Pawb, Theatr Clwyd and of course the National Slate Museum.

It was an important opportunity for us as a Committee to hear about developments across the region while discussing the impact COVID-19 has had on the organizations as well as their plans and hopes for the future.

Read more about the trip here: First committee visit of the Sixth Senedd: investigating sport and culture in north Wales


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  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in News 2022-06-29 13:30:54 +0100

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
