Congratulating students on receiving their A Level results

“Plaid Cymru would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to every student across Wales receiving their A Level and AS Leve, BTec and other qualificationl results today.


“Many students will now go on to further full-time education, whilst others will be looking at apprenticeships, full-time work or alternative options. It’s important that whatever path our young people set out to follow, there must be ample opportunities and jobs for them here in Wales.


“Yet students are receiving their results at a time where the apprenticeships budget is facing £12.25m worth of cuts following the loss of EU funds, when schools are seeing budget cuts, Welsh universities are financially struggling, and the number of students in Wales applying to study at university is the lowest in the UK – with application rates dropping in some of our most disadvantaged areas.


“After 25 years in power in Wales, we need to see bold action from the Labour Welsh Government. Securing a fair funding settlement from the UK Labour Government will mean money to invest in our schools, universities and apprenticeships programmes – to tackle the teacher recruitment and retention crisis and provide a fair funding settlement for Welsh universities. Now is the time to invest in the future of our young people.”

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  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in News 2024-08-21 10:49:40 +0100

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
