The cost-of-living crisis is far from over with thousands of people in South Wales Central struggling to cover their essential household costs. I would like to invite organisations from across the region to come together to share experiences of how the crisis is hitting those they support and what impact this is having on their organisations’ ability to provide this support.
Date: Friday 7th of June 2024 Time: 10am - 12pm Location: Maerdy Community Centre, Park Place, CF43 4DD
This is the seventh such event organised by myself and my team. Previous attendees as well as new are all welcome. To open this event, we have a guest speaker from Age Cymru, Michael Philips. Who will open the event and give us an overview of Age Cymru’s recent survey and will share insights into how older people are being affected by the cost of living crisis. This event is an opportunity for organisations to talk directly to one another about the impact of the crisis they are witnessing in our communities; how they are responding; their plans for the future, and what support they might need. If you would like to attend this event, you can book your space below. If you have any questions about the event, please contact me. Phone: 01443 853214
Mae’r argyfwng costau byw ymhell o fod drosodd gyda miloedd o bobl yng Nghanol De Cymru yn cael trafferth i dalu eu costau cartref hanfodol. Hoffwn wahodd sefydliadau o bob rhan o’r rhanbarth i ddod at ei gilydd i rannu eu profiadau o sut mae’r argyfwng yn taro’r rhai y maent yn eu cefnogi, a pha effaith y mae hyn yn ei chael ar allu eu sefydliadau i ddarparu’r cymorth hwn.
Dyddiad: Gwener 7 Mehefin 2024 Amser: 10yb – 12yp Lleoliad: Nghanolfan Gymunedol Maerdy, Park Place, CF43 4DD
Dyma'r seithfed digwyddiad o'r fath i a fy nhîm ei drefnu. Mae croeso i fynychwyr blaenorol yn ogystal â rhai newydd. Os hoffech fynychu'r digwyddiad hwn, gallwch archebu lle isod. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am y digwyddiad, cysylltwch â mi Ffôn: 01443 853214

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