Cost of living - Summit report

On 17 February 2022, Heldd Fychan Plaid Cymru Senedd Member for South Wales Central invited local organisations that offer support to people facing crisis to come together to discuss how we can work together to ensure that everyone receives the help available to them.

In attendance were representatives from Citizens Advice, Taff Ely and Pontypridd Foodbank, Age Connects Morgannwg, People’s Assembly Wales, Little Lounge, child Poverty action, Carmel Community Clothing, YRP and Cardiff Council.

Following the summit, the office of Heledd Fychan MS has produced a report which brings together all the evidence and testimonies of organisations working on the frontline tackling the cost-of-living crisis.

The report will be used to better understand how we can support communities across South Wales Central the Senedd.

Speaking on the publication of the report Heledd Fychan MS added:

As we all know, energy, fuel and food prices are rising dramatically. Along with the cut to Universal Credit and the financial hardship many are suffering as a result of the pandemic, people across Wales are facing a cost-of-living crisis. Unfortunately, this will only get worse as prices continue to rise. 

“I want to thank all those who attended or sent evidence on the situation people in our communities are facing as a result of the rising cost of living. This report presents the findings of the summit as well as a set of priorities that organisations present felt were the most important.

“My team and I look forward to working with you in tackling this issue and making a real difference to people in our communities.”

Read the report here


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  • Brooke Webb
    published this page in News 2022-04-05 15:13:50 +0100

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
