Heledd presses First Minister on lack of Culture & Sport Minister

As Mark Drakeford made a statement on the appointment of his new cabinet Heledd used the opportunity to question why Culture and Sport was only a junior post in his government but a senior post in both London and Edinburgh.

Heledd's Question:

Thank you, Llywydd, and thank you to the First Minister for his welcome to us as brand-new Members to the Senedd.

The Scottish Government has a Cabinet Secretary responsible for culture and one responsible for sport. The Westminster Government has a Secretary of State responsible for culture and sport.

But, despite your comments on culture and sport at the beginning of this session, once again, here in Wales, we have a Deputy Minister with responsibility for culture and sport. Why are culture and sport lessimportant to the Welsh Government than to other Governments?


You can read the full question and response by clicking here (paragraph 58)

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  • Geraint Day
    published this page in News 2021-05-21 11:13:30 +0100

This starts with you

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